Tuesday, January 18, 2011

17-01-2011 - Result

0 pips


  1. mr abuwad,
    i'm sorry for asking because i'm still newbie in this forex world. i try to follow your analysis for 17-01-2011 and what i got few lost and profit. what i dont understand why you post your result for 17-01-2011 is 0 pips?

  2. Dear Fadhli,

    there was no confirmation on the direction from the beginning adding to that the low liquidity in the market yesterday for US Banks.
    please check:

  3. is that mean because there is no confirmation so you never placed the order that you mention in your table for GU, EU and UC?
    if yes , how do i know when to follow your trade, because i'm one of your follower...still learning :). do you have any YM coz easy for me to ask something, thanks. you can add in if you will lebainuzz@yahoo.com.sg
